Monday, August 8, 2011

Holder lied. How far up in Obama's regime does it go?

According to an article in The Citizen newspaper in Hatch, dated July 27, 2011, it appears that the Obama regime allocated $80 million, (partly from" stimulus funds") to allow Straw buyers to purchase hundreds of weapons from federally licensed gun shops. Attorney General Holder testified at a congressional hearing in March, 2011 that he had just learned of the Fast and Furious gun operation.  I guess he must have forgotten that he spoke at a joint Mexico-U.S. law enforcement conference in Mexico in April, 2009 describing the operation and touting it as a way to combat the growing power of the Mexican drug cartels.  Also, according to The Citizen,  more than 200 Mexican law enforcement personnel have been killed in the last year by guns traced back to Gunwalker.  Roger Hedgecock, the author of the news article, said, "Melson, acting director of ATFE, told Congressional investigators that there is a 'smoking gun' internal memo withheld from Congress indicating that 'political appointees' (Obama's) in the Justice Department were involved.  This memo and other documents are being withheld from Congress as part of a cover-up."  As Mr. Hedgecock asks, "Isn't it time someone asked the age-old question, ' What did the President know, and when did he know it.?"

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