Tuesday, August 30, 2011

As Part of the Justice Department's cover-up,--excuse me, I mean "shake-up,"


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Liberal's thought patterns.

http://www.usnews.com/opinion/photos/democrats-cartoon-gallery/3      A tip of the hat goes to Linda McKenzie for there insightful cartoons.

U.S. Atty. from AZ denies rights to slain agent's family

How long are we going to continue to tolerate this leftist government?  Please view this news story:  .http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/08/11/us-attorneys-office-rejects-family-slain-border-patrol-agent-as-crime-victims/

Monday, August 8, 2011

Holder lied. How far up in Obama's regime does it go?

According to an article in The Citizen newspaper in Hatch, dated July 27, 2011, it appears that the Obama regime allocated $80 million, (partly from" stimulus funds") to allow Straw buyers to purchase hundreds of weapons from federally licensed gun shops. Attorney General Holder testified at a congressional hearing in March, 2011 that he had just learned of the Fast and Furious gun operation.  I guess he must have forgotten that he spoke at a joint Mexico-U.S. law enforcement conference in Mexico in April, 2009 describing the operation and touting it as a way to combat the growing power of the Mexican drug cartels.  Also, according to The Citizen,  more than 200 Mexican law enforcement personnel have been killed in the last year by guns traced back to Gunwalker.  Roger Hedgecock, the author of the news article, said, "Melson, acting director of ATFE, told Congressional investigators that there is a 'smoking gun' internal memo withheld from Congress indicating that 'political appointees' (Obama's) in the Justice Department were involved.  This memo and other documents are being withheld from Congress as part of a cover-up."  As Mr. Hedgecock asks, "Isn't it time someone asked the age-old question, ' What did the President know, and when did he know it.?"

Friday, August 5, 2011

Learn what words mean before you use them.

Are you aware that, when you are feeling queasy, you say, "I'm nauseous," you may be saying more about a personality problem that anything about the state of your health?  The correct term to describe that stomach upset is: nauseated.  Nauseous means: causing nausea, revolting, sickening.  But, who am I to correct you.?  Maybe you do know the meaning of the word and are just confessing to the world.

Is there no end to the disgusting antics of BATFE

Now we learn that  U.S. agents made a deal with one of Mexico's most vicious cartels to not pursue or arrest them in return for information about other cartels.  The Sinaloa cartel has been responsible for countless murders of Mexican citizens.   This agreement was part of the gun running operation.  Please check out the following: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/08/05/americas-third-wardid-us-cut-deal-with-sinaloa-cartel/

Thursday, August 4, 2011

More gripes

Don't you hate it when people who are in a checkout line at a store hold up every one else while they get their purse, or whatever, in order.  Be courteous, step to one side.  Also, it really frosts me when I have spent some time in line waiting for service, my turn finally comes, the store's phone rings and the clerk keeps me waiting while person on the phone is taken care of.   Isn't that pretty much like cutting in line?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Mindless clods

I hope you are not one of those people who go to the movies and act like you are at home in your living room.  Jabbering away out loud, using cell phones or causing any other visual or auditory disturbance is simply uncalled for, rude, insensitive and indicative that if your IQ were one point lower you would be a plant.  Please STOP IT!  Other people have the right to enjoy the movie without listening to you.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Proof of Obama's knowledge of Project Gun Runner

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PNhYk9NuNc&NR=1      This operation has allowed thousands of deadly weapons, illegally acquired, to go into Mexico.  BATFE didn't even inform its own agents in Mexico of the operation that cost two of them their lives.  Nor, once the in country agents did learn of it, would BATFE allow them to inform the Mexican authorities.

It gets worse and worse!


More proof of the coverup.


Check this out for some hard evidence against BATFE


Wake up America

Americans, our country is insidiously being stolen away.  Our left-wing government is involved with, what I consider, crimes against humanity.  I'm not talking about the two wars we have going on-three if you count Libya-, rather, I'm talking about the activities of our government that are causing hundreds of deaths in Mexico, and have caused the deaths of some American government officers.

Right now, there is a Congressional Sub-Committee investigating the actions of the BATFE (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.  There were a few newspaper articles about this several weeks ago, but the topic quickly vanished from the main-stream media because the Department of Justice assured us all that there was nothing wrong going on.  They lied!  For a few years, BATFE has been allowing illegally purchased guns to be sold and transported to Mexico where they go immediately into the hands of major criminal drug cartels.  These cartels have used them to commit hundreds, if not thousands, of murders in that country.  When asked about this trafficking, BTAFE and the Department of Justice categorically denied that they had allowed  guns into Mexico.  The Sub-Committee has proof that they were lying.  They are considering charging the head agent of the Phoenix, AZ office with perjury.   A massive government coverup has been going on for some time.  The Sub-Committee has found that numerous ranking officials of our government knew of, and approved of the gun running operation.  The guilt extends into the Executive branch.  The types of guns in question includes fully automatic weapons, combat rifles and 50 caliber sniper rifles.   To get more information and documented proof of what I have said, please read the following blogs:  Sipseystreetirregulars.blogspot.com and The NewpiusPapers.blogspot.com.    More to follow as things develop.